Oversized Busy Professionals Who Have 30-100 Lb's To Lose...

The World's Easiest Step-By Step Guide To Lose 7 lbs+ in 14 Days

...Even If You Have No Time To Exercise Or Meal Prep
If You Are 14 Stone or 196 lbs + And Have Associated Health Concerns Then This Is Your Chance To Steal My World Class Done-For-You 14 Day Guide…

Which Has Already Helped Busy Professionals & Parents Across the Globe Lose Over 1,716 lbs 
This Year…

For Just £7.99

If you do not want to see your kids or grandkids grow up this is 
not for you. 
If you don't want an extra 3-5 years of retirement or pension, while being healthy enough to enjoy it, this is 
not for you.

Let me Guess...

You're not really sure how or where to start losing weight and reclaiming your health....but you know, for sure, you're stuck...

  • You are incredibly busy and don’t have time to lose weight 
  • You’ve joined the gym in the past, but you never had time to go and when you did get there you didn’t really know what to do for the best.
  • You signed up to a Personal Trainer but they were more bothered about making you train until you threw up than educate you on how to take control.
  • ​You copy what seems to be working for others, hoping it will work...
  • You've tried all the latest pills, potions, shakes and despite initial results they aren’t sustainable because they aren’t real food
  • You’ve dieted before but it’s been a lonely road and ultimately you’ve given up as the results haven’t mirrored your effort

And despite your best efforts the weight keeps piling on year after year and your health is threatening to effect your business, your time with your family, even your mortality

The solution is simple!

And The Results Don't Lie...

Over 60% Of My Clients Who Went On To Lose 30-100 lbs Started HERE And Used This Exact

Step-By-Step Guide To Launch Their Weight Loss Journey To A Healthier Sustainable Lifestyle

You Can Be The Next Success Story….

Are You Looking For A Proven System, Based On Real Science, With Real Food, Used By Real People, That Delivers Real Results…?

If So, Here It Is


Exactly What You Are Getting

First of all, this is different from every other Health & Fitness or Diet book you’ve ever read.

Right away, I jump straight into telling you exactly what to do to start losing weight from day long, drawn out explanations.

Just the exact science and proven strategies that are working for my clients right now.

Plus, this is a simple read.

At 17 pages, you can read it in one sitting.

And you’ll immediately “see” the exact system I’ve personally been using to transform the lives of my clients.

This Guide Is MORE Than Just a Weight Loss Guide though...

This guide, when implemented, will not only start your weight loss journey but will help in reducing risk factors such as 
  • Sleep apnea, 
  • Diabetes, 
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Metabolic syndrome
All of which are associated with Obesity. 

Clients who have started with this guide have gone on to lead healthier lives, both at home and in business. 

I’m also using this EXACT system to help my private clients lose 2-10 stone over a 3-12 month period and change their lives for the better...all based on this scientific formula and strategy. (I create custom designed lifestyle programmes specific to any individual.)

So as you can see, how simply losing weight is just the beginning.

When you start using it, here’s what will happen.

First, you'll lose weight and you will be genuinely grateful that someone has shown you exactly how to accurately control your weight and health concerns

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You'll let go of the Overwhelm and take Control

Because this guide is all about the education and giving you the skillset to control your weight through every day choices and around your busy schedule meaning…

… as you lose weight and feel better you will make better choices and reconfirm your positive believe that you are in control!

Yes, you read that correctly. When you use this approach, you will lose weight, improve your health, make better lifestyle choices, which will lead to even greater weight loss, health benefits and healthier relationships, both at home and in business.

And you’re getting this for £7.99, immediately.
(£7.99 is less than the cost of a Costa coffee & cake)

Hi, I’m Luke

I’ve spent the last 22 years in the Health & Fitness Industries; from owning gyms, working in Weight Management for the NHS and professional football for Rotherham United & Cardiff City.

My passion in weight management and specifically helping busy professionals who don’t have time to exercise or meal prep take control of their weight & health through education & accountability.

Clients in my high ticket program pay thousands for access to my coaching but for many of them this 14-day guide was the start of their journey. Let me show you how simple this can be.
It's just £7.99 (a micro-commitment to keep time-wasters out!)
The best part?

It Doesn’t Require ANY TIME

About a decade ago I worked in the Health & Fitness Industry and was guilty of giving the same SB out, promising the world, without guaranteed results. But that approach always felt shameful and never felt right.

So I set out to find a better way, and over the last 11 years I’ve fine-tuned the system I’m giving you in the guide.
I’m here to help you get moving

What do my clients like best about working with me?

I break things down into SIMPLE terms, making everything easier to understand.

Simplicity = Consistency = Results

No unnecessary jargon, just clear explanations and a Done-4-U guide for easy results. 

Here's What To Do Next

The "investment" of this guide is £7.99, and you’ll get it right away as a download.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an email with a link to download the guide.

You can access it anywhere, immediately, whenever you want without having to lug around a hard copy or wait on the mail.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I realize this is very right about now, you might be wondering what the "catch" is.

You might have experienced other websites that offered you something inexpensively and then stuck you into some program with a recurring monthly fee.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden program you get automatically signed up for or anything else at all you have to buy.

I've decided to give you this entire guide, for £7.99, so you can see for yourself how I help clients to lose 30-100 lbs and keep it off forever.

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and we’ll do more business together in the future.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Very Limited

This book is part of a test I’m running for my own business.
And because the price is so low, I’m taking a loss on the guide.
I’ve forecasted it’ll cost me about £17 in advertising expense to sell one book.
Now why would I do that?

Simple. I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little guide and I feel confident you’ll love it and will want to do more business with me down the road.

Oh and just in case you’re wondering, I don’t have a sales team that’s going to start calling you to sell you other “stuff” or anything like that... There is only little old me :-)

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before The Price Increases

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon!

Best Wishes

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 17-page book that outlines how to Lose Weight Quick and take Control of Your Health Concerns inside 14 days.

The guide is £7.99.

This guide is the starting place for most of my clients and uses the exact scientific strategy that I’m using to help all my private clients lose 2-10 stone in 3-12 months.

This Guide will take you from Overweight & Overwhelmed to Confident & In Control in 14 days.

(Don't worry - This guide will give you the Education, Confidence and Motivation around your busy schedule without impacting on your business or family time so you can have the confidence to lose the weight and keep it off forever.)

It doesn't use any pills, potions, shakes, supplements, or magic unicorns that promise quick fixes. (And after years of using this exact method, based on science and education, I can tell you it simply works.)

In fact, if you don't like the guide let me know and I'll refund your £7.99 immediately. You don't even need to send the guide back.
DISCLAIMER: Most people who buy any “how to” information gets little to no results, especially if they aren’t willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful weight loss journeys require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.
Copyright 2022 | LUKE WALKER ACADEMY
DISCLAIMER: Most people who buy any “how to” information gets little to no results, especially if they aren’t willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful weight loss journeys require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.
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